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Friday, May 11, 2007

Eating for Two

I am delighted to know that I can eat for two. Although the second one is only about a half-inch long and looks (as my husband described) "like a squirrel." So I'm really only entitled to about 300 more calories per day than usual. I tend to do that by accident anyway, so I really shouldn't change my eating habits just yet.

Except for one very important thing: there is stuff that I like to eat that I cannot eat while pregnant. I guess I already knew it, but I sort of conveniently forgot. Now that I "remember" it really sucks.

I like bologna sandwiches. But according to a couple of online articles, lunch meat has a higher risk for e.coli and other forms of bacteria (which pregnant women are more susceptible to catching than other folks). Also, I cannot eat sushi and pretty much seafood in general should be taken with caution. Fish get stuff from the water that can be passed on to me and my baby. So, seafood is out (and I was thinking about crab legs earlier)! The really crazy paranoid one (which I probably won't obey) is that I shouldn't eat peanut butter and other types of food that are potentially allergenic in case my baby may be allergic to it in the future. Really? That's what the articles said.

I guess it's no different from being on a fad diet. Except if I don't follow this one with some strictness, I might kill or otherwise maim my unborn embryo (not a fetus yet). I still cannot resist the temptation, however, to use said embryo as an excuse for a second helping.

"The baby's hungry," I say before I munch away.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I ate plenty of peanut butter when I was pregnant with both of my boys. Seafood was never an issue for me because I didn't eat it any way. I have also heard that you shouldn't eat hot dogs. I am sure that I ate them at some point during my pregnancies.