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a licensed healthcare professional. So, don't be stupid. Talk to your healthcare provider and don't rely on the
Internet for your medical needs.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The day I knew

WARNING: Contents in this blog may be graphic and way too personal for the average reader. But if you're curious about how I knew that I was pregnant, here's how.

I knew what was up when my boobs started hurting (more than the little twinge before a period), and when I had to pee every five minutes regardless of the amount of water I'd had to drink, and the final clue was when my period was about 5 days late. I said to myself, "This is it." But I waited another 2 days to take the home pregnancy test.

And it was positive.

So, a few days later, to alleviate my husband's paranoia that it wasn't "real," I went to the clinic to have blood drawn for a serum test. One hour later, I was still pregnant but now had a due date: 9 January.

Our anniversary is 12 January so we'll have a new bundle just in time for our seven-year itch to begin!


Devlyn said...

I somehow feel responsible for this, but I'm not quite sure why...

All levity aside, I love you sweetie.

And we're not in blog competition here - remember that.

'Cause I would totally smoke you like salmon, so...

Love ya! Can't wait for our trip to the Pacific Ocean this weekend!

Your [probably soon-to-be ex] husband.

"Fake" Mom said...

What a wonderful Anniversary gift! Your blog brings back many memories and I look forward to reading more as you continue on your journey to parenthood. Oh, wait a minute, you already have one child (right, son?). I will be praying for all of you daily and am looking forward to seeing you soon. Love you!