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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Nothing Special about Today

I'm now at sixteen weeks, 4 days (in the 4th month now). No movement yet, although I have eaten spicy food and sugar in the past few days just to see if that has any effect. Other than making me gassy and hyper, nothing. But, I'm a first-timer, and my recognition of movement may suck too!

I am SHOWING now, however, which makes me pretty excited.

I guess any real concerns I had about whether or not something was wrong have vanished. I feel good. I can relax. Maybe my last week at work was just a little too stressful. My ultrasound will be at nineteen weeks, 1 day. My baby will have a backbone I can see, more developed skull bones, and tooth buds for the PERMANENT teeth (the baby teeth buds are already there).

Next time I go to see the midwife for a checkup, I'll be halfway through the pregnancy. Wow.


Amy said...

You are looking great! And such the cute belly! Glad to hear things are going smoothly for you!

Anonymous said...

You will feel the "butterfly flutters" any day now. Trust me, because if this baby is anything like you, it's gonna move as soon as possible!