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Friday, July 13, 2007

14 Weeks

So we're now on week 14 of this 40-week journey. I'm starting to feel better, although morning sickness still occurs once in a while. It actually hasn't been too overboard though, averaging once a week. I can live with that.

So far, no kicks or murmurs in the tummy. Although, depending on who you ask, it could be anywhere from 18-24 weeks for this first-timer, and according to AmericanPregnancy.org, the range could be from as little as 13 to as much as 25 weeks. How frustrating! I just want to feel a squirm (that doesn't turn out to be gas). Although many liken it to that feeling of bubble guts, I'm hoping I can tell the difference. Especially if I'm really trying to tune in for it.

The great news is, the second ultrasound is coming up next month. And for anyone who was wondering, NO - we're not going to find out the sex. AND we're not going to tell anyone the baby's name until after it's born. Not even the ones we've narrowed it down to! Exciting times are ahead. For everyone who even remotely cares.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remotely care - mostly because I'm your hubby, mostly because I'm remotely located up in Seattle this morning.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a squirm, as well!
