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Monday, April 25, 2011

The List


We have discovered a method that works.  As mentioned in the previous blog, our 3-year-old was adamantly opposed to independently clothing herself.  I should mention that creativity in parenting style is an absolute must-have.  So, using my creative brain, I developed a list.

1. Wake up.
2. Use the toilet.
3. Brush teeth.
4. Get dressed.
5. Comb hair.
6. Make the bed.

It seemed a little ambitious, I know.  It might be kind of hard to expect a 3-year-old to do these tasks.  I went a step further and animated each item on the list with a little girl that looks kind of like my little girl.  Since she can't read yet, I had to effectively demonstrate the activity being performed for each item on the list.  The girl has quite a memory on her, though... so I really only had to say it once and she quickly stored it away.  And HALLELUJAH, she got out of bed and did EVERY item on her list.  We were ready to go in less than thirty minutes.

When I saw she checked the list before bedtime too (even though it was a wake-up list), I did the next logical thing and made a good-night list, too.  This one has more steps, but I felt having a streamlined bedtime routine might be worthwhile.

1. Get undressed.
2. Put in the hamper.
3. Put on P.J.s.
4. Feed the kitties.
5. Brush teeth.
6. Use the toilet.
7. Get ONE book.
8. Good night!

Again, I animated each item so she'd know what each thing meant.  I posted the wake-up list at her eye level on her bedroom door, and the good-night list at her eye level on the bathroom door.  Sometimes she gets confused, or when she's trying to stall will "accidentally" do the wake-up list instead of the good-night one.  And yet, the child loves structure.  Who knew?  I didn't.  It was just a guess, and a lucky one at that.

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