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Friday, March 25, 2011

The War for Independence

I realize that much of my recent blogging has been about the Rookie in our midst. Not to omit the Firstborn from her rightful place in the blogosphere, today's piece is about her.

We have tried to instill a certain degree of autonomy in our preschooler because studies have shown that it is healthy for a child to exhibit independence in a safe home environment. Unfortunately, our child blatantly refuses to acknowledge, much less accept, this autonomy (except in those rare situations when we stress conforming to societal norms, such as exhibiting appropriate social behavior in public). While we try to educate our daughter that it is generally unacceptable to poo one's pants and subsequently remove one's socks, put them on one's hands, pick up the poop, and parade it around the house, we also have placed importance on the ability to dress and undress oneself. Too much importance, apparently, as the inherent talent most 3-year-olds possess is the ability to sense what is meaningful to parents and that they must destroy it.

Most kids her age, however, are also quite adept at removing all of their clothing (most frequently in the supermarket or other unsanctioned locales) even if their proficiency in donning clothing leaves a bit to be desired. Not so with our daughter, whose tactic remains to be either teary-eyed caterwauling or going limp when attempts are made to train her on this developmental stage.

It appears that this battle for independence is going to be hard won, but we will manage to force this autonomy upon our child just as nations force political systems on other nations. After all, it is for her own good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am facing this, recently actually, with my youngest! Breaks my "mommy" heart, but I know mentally it is what is best