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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ultrasound tomorrow...dare I post pictures?

Ultrasound number two is tomorrow morning, and I'm really excited to see how much the baby has grown. Maybe I can watch the movements on screen and feel them as well (so I'll know what I'm feeling for). People's descriptions so far have not been helpful in my determining whether that was a baby movement or a bowel gurgle.

The really unfortunate thing is, my husband and I have decided to make the baby's sex surprise, but someone very close to us is trying to ruin that. I am worried that if I post pictures of the baby, this unnamed person will try (as threatened) to get someone else to determine the sex. The reasoning is "to make shopping easier" for everyone.

How about the fact that the parents (Devlyn and me) don't want to find out the sex. And if we don't find out, NOBODY finds out. What's so wrong with wanting it to be a surprise? So many things are unsurprising these days. I've known practically since the day I missed my period that I was pregnant. I've seen what the baby looks like already. I have everything picked out for the baby's room. We even have names picked out (but I'm not telling).

Why can't my wishes be considered? Why can't this person just let me decide how I want my pregnancy to go? If I want it to be a surprise, then dammit, EVERYONE will be surprised.

So, until I get confirmation from that person that they won't try to usurp my parenthood authority or go behind my back to determine the sex and then tell everyone what to buy, nobody gets to see pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$50 says I know who you are talking about.