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Sunday, January 2, 2011

E is THREE!!!

Yesterday, my firstborn turned three.  It is absolutely impossible to imagine the road we've taken over these past three years (nearly four, if you include the pregnancy too).  Today we will celebrate with friends while enduring even more of her obsession with Thomas the Train.

She says things that embarrass us, cause us to laugh hysterically, anger us, surprise us, and sometimes all of that happens at once.  She does things that infuriate us to no end, and she does other things that just melt our hearts.  Her smile sends us over the moon; her (real) cry breaks us into a million pieces.  Her fake cry annoys us.  Her secret language baffles us, as does her command of vocabulary in English and even a little Spanish.

We just never know what each day will bring us, and we're reveling in this short period of time we have left with just her before our world changes again with the arrival of our son in (more or less) a month.

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